
Abdulrahman Ali Khaif Al Maqbali

Assistant Professor- Mathematics - College of Applied and Health Sciences

Contact Details
Name: Abdulrahman Ali Khaif Al Maqbali
Job Title: Assistant Professor- Mathematics
College: College of Applied and Health Sciences
Email: abdulrahman.almaqbali@asu.edu.om
Phone: 99208379 Ext.
Contact Details
My field is Applied Mathematics, with a focus on mathematical modeling. My research aims to find out a solutions of water treatment, water pollution, air pollution, optimal solution for water distribution network. I have published research on effluents discharged from desalination plants, thermal discharge with its effects on marine life.
Ph. D Degree, Mathematics– Full- time Study (January 2023) Sultan Qaboos University, Title: Analytical Model Study on Dispersion of Nearshore Steady Effluent Discharges. Master's Degree, Applied Mathematics – Full- time Study (August 2016) Sultan Qaboos University, Title: Model Studies of Sea outfalls Effluent Discharge. B.Sc. Mathematics, College of Education, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman, 2001.
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, Thermal Fluid Discharge, Air pollution, water network distribution.
- Member of Oman Water Society.
I have projects and collaboration with Nizwa University, OMAN and Lovely Professional University, India: 1) Publishing a book with title: MORPHOLOGY DYNAMICS IN ESTUARY MODELS (Accepted). 2) Publishing a Chapter book, SINGLE-TYPE POPULATION MODELS IN MATHEMATICAL ECOLOGY. 3) Collaboration in Ejaad Research with Nizwa University as Co-Investigators, title: Smart Water Loss Management for Dhofar's Water Networks. (submitted,2024).