Contact Details
Name: | Ashok Kumar |
Job Title: | Assistant Professor in Medical Laboratory Sciences (Clinical Chemistry) |
College: | College of Applied and Health Sciences |
Email: | |
Phone: +968-78640699 | Ext. |
Resume |
Contact Details
Dr. Ashok K Sah completed his PhD (October 2019) in Medical Laboratory Technology from Glocal School of Paramedical Sciences & Research, Glocal University, India. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied and Health Sciences, A’ Sharqiyah University, Oman. Having a decade years of teaching and Research experience, his responsibilities as a faculty member include teaching various major courses from Clinical Chemistry, Medical Parasitology, Medical Virology, and medical laboratory sciences specific courses. He got numerous research publications in high-impact factor journals and wrote many book chapters as well.
PhD in Medical Laboratory Technology- Glocal University, India
M Sc in Medical Laboratory Technology (Clinical Chemistry)- HNB Garhwal University, India
B Sc in Medical Laboratory Technology (Pathology)- HNB Garhwal University, India
Current Areas of Research Interests:
• Early diagnosis and prevention of cancer
• Nucleic acid biomarkers in plasma/serum for cancerous and non-cancerous samples
• Development of diagnostic tools and techniques for early detection of diseases
• Diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases
• Biomarker for early diagnosis of myocardial infarction
Journal paper
Prevalence and epidemiology of intestinal parasitosis among the people of Uttarakhand, India. African Journal of
Biological sciences
DOI/URL: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.579-596
DOI/URL: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.579-596
Evaluation of Inhibitory Action of Bacteriophage against Multi-Drug-Resistant Escherichia Coli. Microbes
and Infectious Diseases
DOI/URL: 10.21608/mid.2024.297320.1995
DOI/URL: 10.21608/mid.2024.297320.1995
Advancements in the treatment of autoimmune diseases: Integrating artificial intelligence for personalized
medicine. Trends in Immunotherapy, 2024, 8(2), 8970. (ISSN: 2573-5985).
DOI/URL: 10.24294/ti.v8.i2.2432
DOI/URL: 10.24294/ti.v8.i2.2432
Structural and functional alterations in hematological parameters among individuals at clinically high risk for
acute lymphocytic leukemia, Iraqi Journal of Hematology - Volume XX, Issue XX, Month 2024.
DOI/URL: 10.4103/ijh.ijh_61_24
DOI/URL: 10.4103/ijh.ijh_61_24
Correlation between Kidd blood group (Jk) and renal function tests in the end stage of chronic kidney disease (ESCKD) patients, Medical Science,
DOI/URL: 10.54905/disssi/v27i131/e67ms2703
DOI/URL: 10.54905/disssi/v27i131/e67ms2703
Rheumatoid Arthritis in HIV-Infected Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study, HIV & AIDS Review,
DOI/URL: 10.5114/hivar.2023.124751
DOI/URL: 10.5114/hivar.2023.124751
Role of ACE2 Receptor and the landscape of treatment options from convalescent plasma therapy to the drug
repurposing in COVID-19. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 476(2):553-574.
DOI/URL: 10.1007/s11010-020-03924-2
DOI/URL: 10.1007/s11010-020-03924-2
Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of pathogenic bacteria causing urinary tract infection in a tertiary care hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
DOI/URL: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232
DOI/URL: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232
Labeo rohita, a bioindicator for water quality and associated biomarkers of heavy metal toxicity. NPJ Clean Water
DOI/URL: 10.1038/s41545-021-00107-4
DOI/URL: 10.1038/s41545-021-00107-4
Tumor Reversion: a dream or a reality. Biomarker Research,
DOI/URL: 10.1186/s40364-021-00280-1
DOI/URL: 10.1186/s40364-021-00280-1
Membership of societies
• MLT (ASCPi) CM / IMLT (ASCPi) 486 – Dec 2022, USA
• American Association of Clinical Chemistry (Trainee Membership ID: 280514)
• NHPC- A-283 – Sep2018 (Since 2008)
• MELAN -186- Life Time Member (Nepal)
35. Afzal Md, Verma A, Sah AK, Chahal A (2024). Hematological Parameters among Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Acute
Lymphocytic Leukemia. Iraqi Journal of Hematology. (ISSN: 2072-8069). :10.4103/ijh.ijh_61_24, September 16, 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/ijh.ijh_61_24
34. Jaiswal S, Sharma B, Lamichhane A, Khanal P, Khatri MB, Sah AK, Yadav NK (2023). Association of CRP in HIV
infected individuals: A cross- Sectional Study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, Scopus (Q1) Communicated.
33. Budhathoki S, Kandel S, Chand D, Kunwar S, Poudel GA, Shrestha RK, Sah AK, Jaiswal S, Thakur RK, Nepal R
(2024). Evaluation of Inhibitory Action of Bacteriophage against Multi-Drug Resistant Escherichia Coli. Microbes and
Infectious Diseases. (Accepted). (ISSN: 2682-4132). DOI: 10.21608/mid.2024.297320.1995
32. Jaiswal S, Sharma B, Lamichhane A, Khanal P, Khatri MB, Sah AK, Yadav NK (2023). Status of C - reactive protein
(CRP) in HIV Infected Individuals: A Case-Control Study. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., 13(1):377-81 (ISSN 2277-
31. Vashistha A, Agarwal S, Panwar G, Kumar V, Sharma P, Sah AK (2024). A case report of severe dehydration and
complication in a 10-month-old baby girl presenting with Acute Diarrhea in a resource-limited hospital setting.
Journal of Chemical Health Risk, 14(3): 262-265. (ISSN: 2251-6727).
30. Sah AK*, Elshaikh RH, Agrawal S, Jaiswal S, Rao DS, Arora K, Rathore R, Vashishtha A, Bhardwaj N, Y Savari S.
Choudhary RK (2024). Procalcitonin as a biomarker for predicting infectious diseases. Journal of Chemical Health
Risk, 14(3), 432-440. (ISBN: ISSN:2251-6727).
29. Sah AK*, Vashishtha A, Johnson J, Arora K, Issar P, Rathore R, Koley R, Jaiswal S, Zahir F, Mahamood Md (2024).
Prevalence and epidemiology of intestinal parasitosis among the people of Uttarakhand, India. African Journal of
Biological sciences. 6(5): 579-596. (ISSN 2663-2187).
28. Rathore R, Srinivasarao D, Vashishtha A, Arora K, Nath N, Issar P, Johnson J, Mahamood Md, Sah AK* (2022). High
Mortality Fungal Co-Infection of Covid 19- Mucormycosis: A Short Review, Eur. Chem. Bull, 2023,12(10), 9267-9285,
(ISSN 2063-5346).
27. Jaishwal S, Issar P, Panda, Rathore R, Kunwar S, Vashishtah A, Kumar M, Mahamood Md, Tiwari BR, Sah AK*,
(2023). Rheumatoid Arthritis in HIV Infected Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study, HIV & AIDS Review, 22(1):1-7.
(ISSN: 1730-1270).
26. A Omer Ibrahim Abbas, Fath Elrahman Mahdi Hassan Gameel, Mahadi H.A. Abdulla, Rabab Hassan Elshaikh,
Hisham Ali Waggiallah, Ashok Kumar Sah, Asaad Ma. Babker, (2023). Correlation between Kidd blood group (Jk) and
Sah, Ashok K., MSc MLT, PhD-MLT
renal function tests in the end stage of chronic kidney disease (ESCKD) patients, Medical Science, 27, e67ms2703,
25. Sah AK*, Vashishtha A, Kunwar S, Kumar M, Mahamood M, (2022). “Enterobius Vermicularis: A First Case Report
from Saptari”. South Asian Journal of Parasitology, 6(1): 24-27.
24. Leena C O, Ajith T A, Simha M V, Sah AK (2021). A gender-wise correlation analysis between glycated hemoglobin
level and estimated glomerular filtration rate among type 2 diabetes patients. International Journal of Advances in
Medicine. 8(8):1131-1136. (ISSN: 2349-3933).
23. Tripathi A, Kashyap A, Tripathi G, Yadav J, Bibban R, Aggarwal N, Sah AK, Thakur K, Chhokar A, Verma Y, Zayed H,
Husain A, Bharti AC, Kashyap MK, (2021). Tumor Reversion: a dream or a reality. Biomarker Research, 9(1):31
(PMID: 33958005, ISSN: 2050-7771, IF-6.15).
22. Mahamood Md, Javed M, Alhewairini SS, Zahir F, Sah AK, Ahmad MI, (2020). Labeo rohita, a bioindicator for water
quality and associated biomarkers of heavy metal toxicity. NPJ Clean Water (2021) 4:17; (ISSN: 2059-7037, IF-9.3).
21. Pandey B, Pandit M, Jaiswal S, Sah AK, Chand RS, Shrestha R, (2020). Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of
pathogenic bacteria causing urinary tract infection in tertiary care hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal. International
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research,11(12): 1000-09 (ISSN: 0975-8232).
20. Kumar P, Sah AK, Tripathi G, Kashyap A, Tripathi A, Rao R, Mishra PC, Mallick K, Husain A, Kashyap MK, (2020).
Role of ACE2 Receptor and the landscape of treatment options from convalescent plasma therapy to the drug
repurposing in COVID-19. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 476(2):553-574 (PMID: 33029696, IF:4.3, ISSN: 1573-
19. Baduwal M, Hamal DB, Pokhrel S, Adhikari S, Pudasaini S, Jaiswal S, Sah AK, Thakur RK, (2020). Serum GammaGlutamyl Transferase and Its Level in Hypertension. Prog. Chem. Biochem. Res. 2020, 3(4), 319 -328. (ISSN: 2645-
18. Jaiswal S, Tiwari BS, Sah Ak, Sharma DC (2020). Seroepidemiological investigation of antigen and antibody for the
detection of Helicobacter pylori infection in a rural area of Nepal. Int J Appl Biol Pharm,11 (2): 71-82. (ISSN: 0976-
17. Shrestha D, Budhathoki S, Pokhrel S, Sah AK, Shrestha RK, Raya GB, Shrestha R, Pasakhala R, Smith C, Dhoubhadel
BG. (2019). Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women and their babies in Bhaktapur, Nepal. BMC
Nutrition. 29; 5:31. (PMID: 32153944, IF-1.59).
16. Praveen NM, Sah AK, Vijayasimha M (2019). Analysis of deferral causes in blood camp conducted by the university. J
Pharm Adv Res, 2(8): 594-597. (E-ISSN: 2581-6160).
15. Sah AK*, Jayaswal RP, Meenakshi, Vijayasimha M (2019). Causes of deferrals during blood donation on healthy
people of Gurugram: A crossectional study. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 9(2):83-85. (ISSN: 2250-
14. Sah AK*, Jayaswal RP (2019). Occurrence of Anemia among the People of Gurugram, Haryana: A Cross-Sectional
Study. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 9(1):202-206. (ISSN: 2250-1177)
13. Sah AK*, Jaiswal S, Vijayasimha M (2018). Impact of Human Intestinal Parasitic Infection on People of Dehradun,
Uttarakhand, India.The Pharma Innovation Journal 7(9): 343-347. (ISSN: 2349-8242)
12. Sah AK*, Vijayasimha M, MahamoodMd (2018). The Tulsi, Queen of Green Medicine: Biochemistry &
Pathophysiology- A review. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res, India. 50 (2): 106-114. (ISSN: 0976-044X)
11. Patel D, Praveen NM, Vijayasimha M, Jayswal RP, Jha RK, Sah AK (2017). Transmission of Zika Virus from Infected
Mother to Fetus.World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 6(15): 375-384. (ISSN: 2277-7105)
10. Sah AK*, Jaiswal S, Tiwari BR, Vijayasimha M, MahamoodMd (2017). Distribution of Intestinal Parasites in People
of Bode Barsain, Saptary, Nepal: Across sectional study, IJRSR. 8(8): 19080-19082. (ISSN: 0976-3031)
9. Bharti T, Vijayasimha M, Jayaswal RP, Praveen NM, Jha RK, Sah AK, Meenakshi (2017). Serum Urea, Uric Acid and
Creatinine Levels in Thyroid Dysfunctions Patients in Gurgaon, India. IJIRSET 6(8):15964-15967. (ISSN: 2347-6710)
8. Kumar K, Vijyasimha M, Jayasawal R P, Sah AK, Preaveen NM, Jha RK, Meenakshi (2017). Iron Deficiency Anemia in
Adult population of South Delhi Area.IJIRSET 6(7):14237-14241. (ISSN: 2347-6710)
7. Kaushik N, Praveen N M, Vijayasimha M, Jayaswal RP, Meenakshi, Jha RK, Sah AK, (2017). Natural and
Technological Based Cosmetics: A Review. BJPMR, India 2(3): 557-562. (ISSN: 2456-9836)
6. Kumar C, Vijayasimha M, Jayaswal RP, Sah AK, Meenakshi, Jha RK and Praveen MN (2017). Screening Diabetes
through Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) in North Indian Population, EJBPS, India 4 (7):460-464. (ISSN: 2349-8870)
5. Ahmad R, Sah AK (2017). Nitric Oxide Molecule and Human Cancers, Int J Biochem Physiol, 1(2):1-8. (ISSN: 2577-
4. Johnson J, Praveen NM, Vijayasimha M, Jayaswal R P, Meenakshi, Jha R K and Sah AK, (2017). Analysis of AntiMullarian Hormone Value in OPD Patients in North Indian Population. EJBPS, India 4(6):482-484. (ISSN: 2349-8870)
3. Praveen NM, Vijayasimha M, Jayaswal RP, Jha RK, Sah AK, Patel D, Roy P (2017). Case Study: An Emergency Case
Diagnosed with Uncontrolled Hypoglycemia and Glaucomatous Treated Type 2 Diabetes. EJBPS, India 4(5):445-
448. (ISSN: 2349-8870)
2. Ahmad R, Sah AK, Ahsan H (2016). Biochemistry and Pathophysiology of Glycation of DNA: Implications in
Diabetes, Review article. Arch Clin Biomed Res. 1: 32- 47. (ISSN: 2572-5017)
1. Ahmad R, Sah AK, Ahsan H (2015). Peroxynitrite Modified Photoadducts as Possible Pathophysiological
Biomarkers: A Short Review. J Mol Biomark Diagn USA 6:(6):263. (ISSN-2155-9929)