
10 programmes

Why a master's degree?

Job Opportunities

First things first, obtaining a master’s degree opens you up to abundant opportunities for jobs that otherwise would have been unattainable. While there are job prospects even for those that choose not to continue their education beyond high school, a great number of jobs require a higher level of education, i.e a master’s degree.

Better Earnings

As you’re well aware, the higher the level of education you get, the bigger your paycheck will be. Data suggests that the college graduate earnings far exceed the salaries of those that don’t hold a degree. Business Insider reported that in their analysis of the U.S. census, they found out that college graduates earn from 38%-95% more than non-graduates.

Personal Growth

As you’re well aware, the higher the level of education you get, the bigger your paycheck will be. Data suggests that the college graduate earnings far exceed the salaries of those that don’t hold a degree. Business Insider reported that in their analysis of the U.S. census, they found out that college graduates earn from 38%-95% more than non-graduates.