Page 23 - Mashreq-Al-Shams-9
P. 23

The End of the Professional Development Week for Academics

            To enhance and develop the skills of the academ-   accreditation,  quality  control,  teaching,  evaluation,
           ics, in a way that ensures the proper communication   academic advising, E-learning and the University’s
           of courses’ materials to students and promote the   strategic  plan  2020/2025.  It  is  worth  noting  that
           success of educational process and methods of de-   A’Sharqiyah University always seek to increase the
           livering courses, the University concluded the Pro-  efficiency  of  all  its  Academic  and  Administrative
           fessional Development Week for Academics, which     members,  through  providing  several  training  and
           started on 13th of September. The program began     development programs, which contribute to raising
           with welcoming the newly joined faculty members,    the level of graduates of various specializations, in
           then addressing the topics included in the program,   order to ensure the quality of learning and scientific
           such as, teaching and learning strategy, academic   research at the University.

                    Characteristics, advantages and strategies of teaching methods

                                                               Social  Sciences,  presented  a  lecture  for  the  aca-
                                                               demic staff titled  ”Effective Teaching in Higher Edu-
                                                               cation Institutions“. The lecture included many top-
                                                               ics, such as how to prepare for lectures, how to deal
                                                               with higher education students and which strategies
                                                               to  follow  to  ensure  an  effective  class  interaction
                                                               through attracting attention, motivation and produc-
                                                               tivity. The lecture also shed light on some of the ex-
           Within the events of professional development week   cellent teaching techniques in the higher education
           for academics that took place  on the thirteenth of   sector, such as project and problem solving-based
           September this year, Dr. Essam Al Lawati, Head of   teachings by identifying the characteristics, advan-
           Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and
                                                               tages and strategies used in such techniques.

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