Page 13 - Mashreq-Al-Shams-8
P. 13

”Introducing Admission and Registration Services“
                         A’Sharqiyah University participates in the 2nd Online Forum via Zoom

        A’Sharqiyah  University,  represented  by  Admis-     Vice Chancellor of University of Buraimi and Dr.
        sion and Registration participated in the 2nd On-     Fatheya Al Sadi delivered a speech in the Forum.
        line  Forum  of  Higher  Education  Institutions  via  It  is  worth  mentioning  that  Career  Council  is  a
        Zoom. The Forum is organized by The University  specialized  platform  that  represents  Admission
        of Buraimi with the cooperation of Career Council.  Center  which  publishes  awareness  materials  to
        The event was under the patronage of Dr. Fatheya  grade 12 students about the government and pri-
        Khalfan Al Sadi, the Director General of the Minis-   vate universities and colleges in the Sultanate.
        try of Education at Al Buraimi Governrate. Several
        government and private universities and colleges
        in the Sultanate participated in the forum which
        aimed at orienting the students and responding
        to their enquiries about the process of admission
        and registration in both government and private
        colleges. Besides that, Dr. Abood Al Sawafi, the

                                        As a member in the organizing Committee

        A’Sharqiyah University participates in the 1st International Conference of online learning during COV-
                                                ID-19 pandemic in Iraq
        A’Sharqiyah  University  represented  by  Dr.  Ab-    to discuss both school and academic education. It
        dullah Saif Al Toobi, Dean of College of Arts and  is worth noting that the conference is considered
        Humanities participated as one of the members  as one of the significant conferences that includes
        of the organizing committees in the 1st Interna-      international and educational experts. The confer-
        tional Conference of online learning during COV-      ence included more that 12 sessions during two
        ID-19 pandemic in Iraq from 15-16 August 2020  consecutive days.
        which was organized by Aliraqia University and a
        number of Arab Universities. The conference aims
        at highlighting the scientific effort in the educa-
        tional field during COVID-19 pandemic by offering
        suggestions  and  recommendations  to  be  imple-
        mented. More than 150 researchers from differ-
        ent Arab countries participated in the conference,
        including the Sultanate. A wide range of educa-
        tional and administrative research was presented

          The Vice Chancellor meets MA students via Microsoft Teams to discuss their requirements for the
                                                   coming semester
        The Vice Chancellor Prof. Fouad B. Chedid held a  of College of Business Administration and a num-
        meeting  with  the  MA  students  at  the  University  ber of MA students.
        via Microsoft Teams in order to discuss the stu-
        dents’ situation and requirements. He also guided
        the students through the effective scientific steps
        of enhancing their performance and knowledge.
        They  also  shared  their  opinions  regarding  the
        methods  of  teaching  that  will  be  implemented
        during this exceptional period. The meeting was
        attended by Dr. Fadi Abdel Fattah, the Acting Dean
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