Page 16 - Mashreq-Al-Shams-8
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A study

        A study about the role of modern media in developing Omani University Students Political awareness

         Arab  Journal  of  Science  and  Research  Publishing   preferred Facebook over the other Apps. The reason
         )Journal of Humanities & Social Science( conducted   behind this high percentage is the cognitive, emotional
         a research done by a number of researchers from      and behavioral effects that the youth experience from
         the General Directorate of Education at A’Sharqiyah   social  media  Apps  regarding  political  issues.  It  was
         North about the role of social media in enhancing    also found that the Omani youth at the tertiary level,
         political  awareness  of  the  Omani  youth:  A’Sharqi-  about 6.62%, have more than one account in social me-
         yah University as a paradigm. The research aimed     dia Apps. This stems from the political motives besides
         at revealing the role of media in enhancing Omani    other motives. The study recommended the students
         youth political awareness. It included a sample of 91   to investigate the truth, to check the accuracy prior to
         students of both genders from A’Sharqiyah Univer-    publishing in the Apps and to attend  educational sem-
         sisty. The descriptive research relied on the findings   inars in order to raise their awareness regarding the
         obtained from the surveys. The findings of the re-   safe use of social media Apps.
         search revealed that about 92.76% of the students
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