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Procedures of Starting the New Academic Year

           A’Sharqiyah University resumes its procedures of starting the new academic year 2020\2021

        According to the Ministerial Circular No 46\2020      university campus and teaching and administra-
        regarding  regulating  working  mechanism  of         tive staff, the Vice Chancellor of A’Sharqiyah Uni-
        Higher  Education  institutions  for  the  first  se-  versity held a meeting with the Deans of the five
        mester of the academic year 2020\2021, A’Shar-        colleges and the Heads of different departments,
        qiyah University has released a circular about        in which he encouraged them to take the neces-
        regulating working mechanism of teaching stu-         sary  precautions  against  COVID-19.  It  is  worth
        dents  which  has  been  decided  to  be  blended     mentioning that the University has taken all the
        which means that the students will learn via on-      precautions  to  prevent  the  spread  of  COVID-19
        line media as well as traditional teaching. In or-    since the beginning of the disease outbreak.
        der to ensure the health and safety of students,

            Completing Registration procedures for a New Batch of General Education Diploma 2020/2021

        A’Sharqiyah University has started receiving regis-   attached in the message. The link has all the needed
        tration  requests  of  the  admitted  students  through   details  about  confirming  their  seats,  completing  the
        the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research   registration procedures in the Admission Center, reg-
        and Innovation )Higher Education Admission Center(    istering in the University website and opening a file in
        for different colleges and majors of the university.   the website of Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific
        Mohammed Al Farai, Deputy Head of Admission and       Research and Innovation. Then, the students can sign
        Registration  said  to  Mashriq  Al  Shams  newsletter   in to the University’s website after confirming the seat,
        that Admission and Registration has developed an      filling the electronic survey and uploading the required
        electronic  system  because  of  the  exceptional  cir-  documents. The student’s details will be revised and
        cumstances of COVID-19. He added that a text mes-     approved, then the college ID, email and password will
        sage has been sent to the admitted students to con-   be sent to the students. This will allow the students to
        gratulate them on their admission and to encourage    log in to the University’s website and select the service
        them to pursue their success. The students were in-   he wants to get. Admission and Registration will con-
        formed about the steps that should be taken to com-   tact the students who have not completed the registra-
        plete the registration procedures by opening the link   tion procedures to provide them with help and support.
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