Page 18 - Mashreq-Al-Shams-8
P. 18

Stories of success

                                               Harith Mohammed Al Salti
                               ”Head of Food Licensing Department at Sur Municipality“

                             In 2012, I started studying Food Science and Human Nutrition
                             at A’Sharqiyah University. I have been taught by a number of
                             great teachers who strived to improve both our performance
                             and knowledge. The major that I have studied is completely
                             compatible with my previous job in the Ministry of Regional
                             Municipalities and Water Resources. I have learned a great
                             deal from the major as we were given the opportunity to ap-
                             ply the theoretical knowledge in real life situations e.g. food
                             inspection. My dream is to pursue postgraduate studies in
                             the same University.

                                            Al Thuraya Nasser Al Shaqsi
                                           ”Designing Teaching Methods“

        Due to the rapid change that the world is witness- cartoony manner. It consists of  cartoony charac-
        ing in the field of educational technology in which  ters, one of them is the tourist and the remaining
        the traditional educational methods have been re- are the hosts who will take the responsibility of
        placed with new ones that facilitate the process of  introducing the tourist to every Governorate. The
        learning, using videos has proved to be one of the  tour  includes  visiting  the  historical  and  tourism
        effective teaching methods. Based on this fact, I  destinations.   Besides that, the tourist will be ori-
        have been inspired to start my project which was  ented about the customs and traditions of the Gov-
        mainly one of the requirements of Teaching and  ernorates. I have chosen the cartoony method as
        Learning Technology Course taught by Dr. Qasim  it suits the target of the video which was designed
        Al Ajmi. It revolves around the idea of explaining  using Animaker.
        a lesson about the Governorates of Oman which is
        part of Social Studies Subject for grade four in a
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