Page 19 - Mashreq-Al-Shams-8
P. 19

Shaima Hamad Salim Al Mashaikhi
                                              ”Cosmetic products project“

        In 2017, I started studying Business Administration  and the competitors. I have started working with
        in Team Entrepreneurship which had a great role  my project since I was a student as I felt that I am
        in developing my skills and experience in different  ready  to  establish  it  because  of  the  knowledge
        fields. After graduation, I decided to launch my own  that I have gained from my major. Although I have
        business by establishing a cosmetic brand called  faced  many  difficulties,  the  project  witnessed
        )Marrocolootshy( in Oman. The brand is 100% nat- great success. In the time being, I am planning
        ural and free of chemicals.                           to  extend  the  kiosks  in  different  regions  in  the
        I have started my project when I was studying En- Sultanate, to participate in the local exhibitions,
        trepreneurship which provoked many ideas to my  to supply beauty parlors with  my natural prod-
        mind. One of these ideas was  )Marrocolootshy(. I  ucts, and to carry out courses on how to make
        have noticed that many women, especially in the  such natural products. When it comes to achieve-
        gulf countries preferred natural cosmetic products.  ments, there is no one hug step, it is a summation
        Then, I dedicated my time and effort to explore the  of gradual steps. My main objective is to apply the
        products that suit my customers’ taste.               culture of entrepreneurship and to enhance my
        I have taken this decision after analyzing the local  ability in implement my skills to achieve my ulti-
        market, the economic viability, the target customer  mate goals.
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